Shengliver’s Note: This entry is credited to Bingqing the writer. She looks back on 2012 and muses over her future at the turn of the year.


Time lapses and 2012 has gone. I think I changed a lot in 2012.


At the beginning of 2012, I was the leader of Study Group 7. We got along well with each other. Even though we disagreed with each other about the seating at times, we were really happy to be a group working together. When we stepped into Grade 3, we were separated. I was no longer the leader of the new group. And the people around me kept coming and going. I felt tired, having to fit into the new environment and getting accustomed to new people. Once I got familiar with the guy beside me, he would go the next week. My first mate was Guo Yaofei. Though he was too quiet, I found he was kind and diligent. Then Mr Jiang Shanyao came. He was smart, innocent and energetic. Mr Chen Zirui became my last partner this term. In my mind, Mr Chen was a good boy, though someone thought poorly of him. All my three mates were good. Despite that, I could not help feeling lonely from time to time. It seemed as if I were a lone boat drifting in a huge lake without any destination. I had no clue where I would dock and who my friend was.


Through ups and downs, I became maturer in 2012. I had made great progress in my lessons in Grade 2. At that time, I naively believed that I could keep my good grades up until after the college entrance exam. Unluckily I was wrong. After we started the last year of high school, I could not get as great a grade as I had in the second school year. I suffered a lot from it. I went through a great deal of agony.


Now, I have a conviction that even if I can’t be a top student, I can be the strongest one in mind. I think life is a cross-country race. Sometimes, the trail is plain and smooth and we can run as fast as we can, but sometimes, it is rough and bumpy. Naturally, we cannot go at an optimal speed where rough ground is under our feet. The rocks on the trail can only make you stumble or fall down, but they can’t cripple you. If you make up your mind to carry on, your life journey will continue and extend into fresh territories. We should not live in memory; nor could we live in the future. What we should do is try to solve the problems at the moment. Problems are not scary because they are part of our being. Surmounted, a problem translates into an opportunity. Unsolved, it enriches our experience.


Hello, 2013. I will try my best to continue my life and to sail on the lake in the New Year.

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