Almost Like Twins

To have a brother whose age is close can add spice to your life.

My brother is two years my junior. When we were young, we played together. We even did two-role PC games on the same computer, which most kids around us could not afford to, simply because they did not have a sibling.

As we got older, we had to go to different schools. I am in a regular high school while my brother is attending a vocational one. Different school schedules stop us from having as much time to hang around as before. Therefore, I treasure the few days each month I stay with my brother. I don’t know whether he is of the same mind.

Arguments are an indispensable ingredient of our existence, but both of us are understanding. A little fight, instead of tearing us apart, strengthens our bond. Most times it is I who get impatient first. When that happens, my brother just keeps his cool.

With different habits and hobbies, we complement each other. Consequently, we do influence each other positively unconsciously. For example, I watch the heroic films he likes, and he reads the books which I have finished.

Of course, we do share a lot. For one thing, we always play the same PC or smartphone games. For another, we, both fans of documentaries, love science and geography.

One thing my brother did stands out in my mind. I love Taylor Swift very much but her songs aren’t free. When my brother got to know it, he managed to save enough for several weeks and to buy me a VIP account online so that I could hear those streamed tunes. Whenever I think of it, a sense of warmth toward my brother surges in my heart.

When my friends hear about my brother, they comment, “You are really happy and lucky.”

I could not agree more, because all my troubles fade to nothing when I am with him.

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