I Found a Good Teacher in Him


We are supposed to offer seats to the elderly on buses as it reflects traditional Chinese virtues. Because of my shy disposition, I normally do not take a seat on public transport simply to avoid blank stares for failing to give up my seat to a senior citizen.

One sunny day when I got on a bus, I found a free seat. Since there was no other standing passenger around, I took it. A few stops on, an elderly man on a cane got on board. He was about my grandpa’s age. I had no choice but to offer my seat to him. After some hesitation, he took it.

After the bus restarted, the elderly man struck up a conversation with me, asking me a lot of questions about my school, my class, my grades and so on. His gentle manner of talking gradually disarmed me, making me feel comfortable. To my amazement, I was enjoying every second of it. Through our chat, it dawned on me that the grandpa was quite a good teacher, whose talk added a lot to my wisdom. His bright optimistic outlook infected me.

All good things must come to an end. Before I knew it, it was time for the elderly man to get off. I suddenly felt a sense of loss. Before he bade me farewell, he gave me his best wishes and wished me a good day. I kept waving at him until he went out of sight with the bus going forward.

This encounter lasted for less than ten minutes, yet we interacted like good old friends. I felt so rewarding my decision to give up my seat to the gentleman. It enabled me to meet such a noble character.

Your act of kindness will do you good in ways you never expected.

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