50 Baozi and 30 Salted Eggs


Gran came to visit me yesterday. As usual, she brought over bags of snacks and goodies. In a sense, Gran is my pantry.

As far back as I can remember, Gran never turned up without goodies for me. Every time she comes over or we pay her a visit, she prepares some delicacy exclusively for her favourite grandson. The day before a traditional Chinese festival, her homemade festive speciality such as mooncakes or zongzi will never fail to arrive at our doorstep. When the extended family are partying at her house, she will prepare my favourite dish, apart from the regular communal courses.

One day Gran steamed some baozi and had them delivered to us. The same evening, I had a couple of them for dinner and they tasted great. I called Gran and expressed my appreciation to her before I went to bed. To our amazement, the next morning, 50 more baozi with the same stuffing found their way to our doorstep. We could not believe it. According to Mother, my call had pleased Gran so much that she made 50 more the same night, at the expense of her sleep. It is not a rare occurrence. My casual comment on her salted egg at breakfast, “It’s yummy!” brought me 30 more over from Gran the next day.

I love Gran. I love her meals even more. Basking in her love and care, I feel life is heaven.

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