The Milk Tea Girl

Shengliver’s Note: Is this a ghost story? Is the girl a spirit?


This term I do not reside in the dorm. After evening classes at 10 pm, I exit the campus and make my way back to the lodgings. In the deserted lane, there is no reason to feel alone because of a warm drink in my hand.

It has been three months since I came across the milk tea girl at a drinks shop. One day after 4 evening classes, I was parched. It was around 10.30, and all the shops were closed at the hour in the neighbourhood. Having searched to no avail for some time, I gave up any hope of quenching my thirst. Just before I turned the corner, a drinks-shop on the other side of the lane came into view. To my joy, it was still open.

Excited, I strode across and entered the shop. At the time there was no other customer around. Behind the counter stood a young girl serving drinks. She asked me what I wanted. After some hesitation I ordered a cup of milk tea. Nodding with a smile, she started preparing the drink expertly. Promptly a drink was presented on the counter. She asked me tentatively why I was still hanging around alone at such a late hour, for she was going to close for the day. I explained that I was a YYHS student and that my evening class was over at 10 pm. Our chat started.

From the conversation, I learned that the girl used to be a student too, but she quitted school because something had befallen her family. She had to find a job and start working to contribute to the family income. About the same age, we found it easy and comfortable to relate to each other. Before I knew it, we had shared a lot. We talked about our hobbies and childhood experiences. It was not until 11 that we bade each other farewell. I said jokingly, “Please wait for me every evening around this time. I will be coming over for a drink.” The girl was silent, a smile on her face.

To my wonder, after that evening, the girl was always there in the shop when I was on my way home after evening classes. I went into the shop and she passed me a drink she had done. Most times, it was just her and me. Occasionally, there were a couple of others drinking and socialising at the tables. Sometimes, I offered to wait for her to close the store before we went back to our accommodation together. We were bantering and chuckling all the way until we parted at a crossroads.

One day a week ago, after evening classes, I made a beeline for the store as usual. The girl was not there. Where could she have been? When I asked the young man serving behind the counter, he had no idea at all. To my bewilderment, he said they had never before had such a girl working for them. Whatever, the girl never appeared in the shop again after that.

Every time a cup of milk tea is in my hand these days, I cannot help but reminisce about the sweet girl. She is a true friend, although I haven’t got her name and nobody seems to know her whereabouts.

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