A Friend I Have Never Met in the Flesh


As a middle school student, I had a special friend. At the time, I did not know his real name or true face, but I believe he is a good guy.

One day, I went to Wuhan with my parents on a visit to some relatives. Sauntering by the river Yangtze one morning, I tossed into the currents a drift bottle with a note in it. On the note was my QQ ID plus a message, “May I QQ chat with you?”

As far as I knew, normally no one would do such a thing. Never did I have the faintest hope to get a reply. One day when I went online back at home in Shiyan, however, a stranger sent me an invitation to be his QQ buddy. It turned out that he had received my drift bottle message.

In the first chat, I learned that the guy was a 32-year-old professional and that he was making a life in Shanghai, located at the mouth of the Yangtze, where the mighty river empties into the East China Sea. According to the guy, he had picked up my bottle when he was taking a stroll along the Yangtze one evening. Amazing!

The first time we met online, I was having a rotten day, and so was he. We clicked right away. Then we shared our troubles. I had been ditched by one of my best friends after a quarrel, and worse still, I had failed a monthly exam. Without reserve, he poured out to me, a new e-pal, his daily struggling existence in the metropolis.

The online communication went on and off for a couple of years. It witnessed the twists and turns of our individual life courses. Throughout, he offered suggestions when I was beset with problems. I encouraged him to strive for a better life in the big town. One day on the IM, I expressed appreciation to him for his heart-warming tips, and he reciprocated with a line, “Keep on fighting, boy.”

Although we two have never met each other in the flesh, I still believe he is a good guy. A best buddy does not have to be by your side physically every day.

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