Beating the Monster


As you know, we have been taking swimming lessons for up to two months. Each lesson I had saw me growing a bit.

A timid girl, I used to dread rivers and lakes. Getting close to a large body of water like a pond triggered off strong reactions in me. It gave me goose pimples, and I found it even harder to breathe. Did I suffer from aqua phobia? I am not sure.

As you can imagine, I had a hard time at the very beginning of the swimming lessons. When the coach asked us to put our heads under water and to stay submerged for five seconds, I panicked. I could not help trembling. It was one of the basics, but I felt as if I were being pushed into a freezing box. I stole a look at the other girls. They were doing very well, like elegant white swans. Compared with them, I was as awkward as a chicken.

As I was being hurt deep down, the coach asked me to do it. I confessed honestly that I did not dare to put my head under water. The coach laughed, not mockingly but in an encouraging manner, “Come on, girl! You have to believe in yourself. How do you know you can’t if you don’t even give it a go? I’ll be standing by and watching over you. Everything will turn out all right.”

Plucking up enough courage, I buried my head in water. The coach had my head pressed down with a pole lest I should pop up. One, two, three, four, five. Five seconds passed. I made it! I made it! I was quivering with a thrill of exhilaration. It was the first time I had beaten the water monster in my mind.

After the very first triumph, I followed my coach closely and practised every new swimming stroke very hard. Gradually, I made great progress over time. These days when I am splashing around, I open my eyes and see a stunning azure world all around. I bathe with ease like a mermaid now. The fear is history.

Everyone might have something secret inhibiting him or her. However, if you don’t ever hit the road, you will definitely miss out on the scenery out there over a mountain. If you do not ascend to a summit, you will have no idea what a glorious view you can admire standing at the pinnacle.

Overcome the imaginary mental beast, and you will be your own hero.

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