I Was a Dictator

Shengliver’s Note: This teen writer Bo’an has a brother. She is in Year 11, her brother in Year 10. Their parents migrated here when Bo’an was a child. After the brother was born, Bo’an babysat him. She looked after him, fed him three meals a day and abused him when she was moody. Even when she was angry with him, the brother still followed her like a shadow, calling her sis, sis.


When I was young, I was a dictator. My younger brother was my meek follower. Every time I got mad, I would vent my anger on him.

When my parents were telling me off, my brother would come over and console me. I would then abuse him and send him away. I thought it was a disgrace that my parents’ scolding me was witnessed by my admirer. It would tarnish my image in my brother’s mind. If my brother did not come and sympathise, however, I would lose my temper, accusing him of showing little concern over me.

Our family of four used to dwell in a poky rented house. My parents had practically nothing when we moved to the city from our hometown in Hebei years ago. It was a miserable existence in the poor lodgings. From time to time my family would go and stay in a hotel room for a night or two. That was the happiest occasion, when we could take showers or baths, watch TV on a big screen, sleep on comfy beds and eat better.

If I wanted to go to a hotel and my parents did not agree, I would order my subject to make a scene at home. My brother followed my order. It was a very effective way because my parents absolutely adored my brother. In their eyes, he was their little emperor.

As much as I abused my brother when he was young and short, now things have totally been reversed. He often bullies me and I am no equal. He is very tall now.

Time flies. A lot of things are not as they were, but the bond between my brother and me is as strong as ever, if not stronger.

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