The Power of Love


Do you believe that even small creatures can be powerful under certain circumstances? If not, please read on.

It happened when I was in Grade 3, primary school. That day, it showered heavily before the sun came out and shone bright over the world. After school I came home with my friends. We lived in the same neighbourhood.

Walking into the yard, we saw about 30 swallows gathered on the ground in front of the houses. It seemed as if the birds were having a conference. Our interest was instantly aroused. Driven by curiosity, we approached the resting bird clan. As we were coming nearer, some birds flew away.

On closer examination, mixed among the flock was a young swallow whose feathers had been wetted by the rain. You would not have spotted the birdie had you not strained your eyes. The damp wings prevented the poor creature from flying normally. Wings spread out, the bird was drying its feathers in the sun. We reckoned that the other members of the family were accompanying the little bird to offer protection and camouflage.

Some naughty boys, who started to run after the poor bird, attempted to catch it. Panicky, the birdie hopped here and there with its heavy wings, uttering short shrieking cries. By this time, all the other swallows had flown away but one. It must be the birdie’s mother.

The mother bird cried hysterically, flapping her wings and hurling herself at those kids who were targeting at the little bird. She showed no fear for the humans. So desperate was the mother to guard the little bird that the boys were awed by her bravery. They stopped chasing the bird and let it be.

In time, the little bird had its wings dried and flew away with the mother.

It was the first time I had been a witness to the power of love. Even today the scene where the mother bird was risking her own life for the loved one is still as vivid as if the drama were being played out right in front of my eyes.