It Recognised Me


The year I was nine, I befriended a stray dog in our yard.

Whitish and yellowish, the canine had sparkling eyes behind dirty long hair. Its fur was matted. The first time I sighted it, it was loitering somewhere under a tree. It was raining then. The animal looked hungry and forlorn.

I went a step closer, but it got startled. It scampered away. I left some of my snacks under the tree and went home.

The next day saw the pathetic creature lying under the same tree. When I got closer, it jumped to its feet and limped away. This time, however, it was eyeing me at a distance, wagging its tail. After I put some food down, I left.

Gradually, there came a day when it stopped backing away when I appeared. I often brought food for it and watched it eating merrily. I even gave it a name, Xiaohua.

Our company lasted several months when one day I could not find the little companion anywhere in the yard. It disappeared, without a trace, and never came back. I was sad.

As weeks went by, I forgot all about the dog. Then one Sunday morning I was hurrying on the way to my piano lesson when I felt my heels nudged. Turning around, I saw Xiaohua there looking up at me and wagging its tail.

I was amazed. “Is it you, Xiaohua?” I blurted out.

Very well groomed, the dog was in a lot better shape than before. The hungry look was no longer there in its eyes.

A while after our encounter, Xiaohua turned around and started to trot to a lane. Curious I followed at its heels.

At a corner store, it stopped and lay down at the feet of an elderly man, who was obviously the shopkeeper.

How lucky Xiaohua was! It had got a new master, who really loved it.

Upon inquiry, I learned from the elderly man that he had adopted the stray dog a couple of months before. When I shared my experience with him, he thanked me for having treated Xiaohua well.